OEM is a set of system management tool for managing, monitoring and automate tasks
of oracle database environment. database control was first introduced in oracle 10g.
For windows/Unix you can follow the same method to configure EM console
1. Pre-Reuestits
a. Password file is required.
b. Set remote_login_passwordfile is set to EXCLUSIVE or SHARED.
c. Increase the job_queue_processes more that 1.
d. Unlock sysman and dbsnmp user account if already exist.
e. Emca is located in $ORACLE_HOME/bin
2. Create the repository for OEM console
emca –repos create
3. Configure the database control
emca –config dbcontrol db
4. Connect to the database control
5. Commands to Star, Stop and check the Status of dbConsole
Emctl start dbconsole
Emctl status dbconsole
Emctl stop dbconsole
6. Commands to start, stop and check status of EM Agent
Emctl start agent
Emctl status agent
Emctl stop agent
7. how to Drop the database consol
Emca –deconfig dbcontrol db
8. What are the file Files and Folders create for your db console. lets check.
Local Configuration files
Port Number
Log location
9. Services
In windows you can check the services is services.msc
service like : OracleDBConsole
10. Add OS user in "Log on as a batch job" for windows
Windows user must add their name in batch job in user policies folder
Control panel -> Admin Tool -> Local security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Right Assignment
-> Log on as a batch job -> Local security setting
11. How does it work
WebBrowser <--> Http/Https <--> J2EE (OC4J) AppServer <-- Thin JDBC --> Sysman schema.
OEM create a sysman schema to store dbconsole metadata and statistics.
12. Management Packs
Oracle Congfiguration management pack
1. Track h/w and s/w configuration for hosts and database.
2. Cloning for database instance and oracle home for deployments.
Oracle Change management pack
1. Changes to support new application requirements
2. Eliminate error or data loss when making changes and minimize downtime.
Oracle Diagnostics pack and tuning pack
1. Reduce the complex performance tasks.